Brand & Corporate Identity

A logo is the very first impression people get of your company
Before a potential client even walks through your door, your logo is a representation of your company.

A logo needs longevity
Once a logo is designed it will represent your company for many years.

A logo needs to be original
A logo should be designed specifically for your company. A cheap 'generic logo' may not reflect your company’s values. A budget logo may also use clip art which could end up being used by another company.

A logo should reflect the time and thought put into designing it
Research - who are the company’s main competitors and how do they represent themselves?
Brainstorming of ideas
Rough concepts
Several logo options worked up digitally
Amendments - tweaking and fine tuning to completion

The colours, typography and style of a logo will often dictate the corporate look and feel of the rest of a company’s literature.

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